Team Cohesion.

Keeping staff motivated is a necessity to productivity. Finding ways to motivate and excite can be a difficult task. Paintball, as unlikely as it may sound at first, is becoming a very popular activity for corporate events and outings, and as such, is being utilised by large and small businesses more and more. Paintball with a professional company like the worlds largest, Delta Force Paintball, ticks all the boxes for corporate party ideas. Added to the obvious target of increased productivity, boosting team morale, rewarding your staff and valued customers are all good reasons to look at paintball. Your day (full, morning or afternoon) of paintball action can be tailored to meet your business’ needs and budget. You are not going to be impressed in paying for your people to simply run around aimlessly between hay bales, piles of tyres.
Our incredible movie-set game scenarios at Delta Force Paintball Vancouver are the perfect team-building setting. Great communication, strategy planning and teamwork and are all essential elements to being victorious on the paintball field which, in turn, forges team cohesion back in the office. Our structured game play sets specific targets, goals and tasks for your people to achieve. Without employing many principles common to both our style of paintballing and to business, they will struggle to be successful.
Imagine, if you will, your employees strategically positioned behind some of the tanks. Their brothers in arms (known as co-workers back in the workplace) are quietly waiting in the nearby cover for their leader to give the next order. You have appointed one of your people as that leader and they have a clear view of the enemy flanking their position. How will they handle this situation? Will they react heroically but fail to use the resources (their workmates) to best effect? Or will they think clearly under the pressure and systematically lead the squad to victory with a well executed set of strategies? It’s easy to see
how the team will develop trust and confidence in each other after a day of various missions each with specific objectives to be gained.

This illustrates the type of experience your team can learn from during a day of paintball. It’s a great way to unite the team while also nurturing and encouraging both leadership and teamwork. Bonds are created that go a long way to help establish a healthy and happy business environment. We are renowned for organising convenient and adventurous corporate days of paintball action that is often enjoyed and provides huge benefits to various corporate and even sporting groups.
So, whether it be to ‘forward your game’ or simply give the troops a well earned day out of excitement and action, Delta Force Paintball is the clear and professional choice.